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to create inspiring physical spaces

that bring teenagers together,

giving them 

a kick-ass alternative to their screens

and a kick-start to their social confidence


here's why...

we’re on a mission 

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there's a crisis brewing

that we couldn't ignore


UK teenagers have record levels of

social anxiety and loneliness,

destroying their confidence and happiness.


And before anyone starts reaching for the snowflake cliches, there's a toxic trio of forces driving this…



for anyone who cares about society, this is alarming enough. But if you're  a parent of teenagers, or soon will be (like us), it’s downright disturbing.

So we decided enough’s enough. We’re doing something about it.


 beautifully simple.

strangely radical.


we’re creating a nationwide network of incredible spaces

where teenagers can hang out and have fun together.

IRL. (told you it was radical)




glad you asked. We’re two people with 40 years' combined experience running successful businesses. And we’ve thrown it all in to create something that makes us jump for joy & swell with pride (that’s THE DEN, btw). The opportunity to create a thriving business that addresses a critically important issue for our society is hard to ignore. And as two parents with children hurtling towards teenagerdom, it’s an issue that couldn’t be closer to our hearts.

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